
"See You Again in China" | Each day in Guangxi reveals something new

来源:人民网 编辑:秦舷 2024-03-30 17:12:51

Thirteen foreign journalists from the "International Media Tour in China: the Practice of Chinese Modernization in Guangxi" visited south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

Catherine Gulua, a seasoned journalist with 20 years of experience from Georgia, is also the founder and director of Media Center "MTAVARI" in her home country. This trip marks her second visit to China. She came to Guangxi to cover the industrial development and local traditions of Beihai, Liuzhou, and Guilin cities.

Joining her was Abubakar Harith, a young journalist and TV presenter from Tanzania. Catherine and Abubakar first met in China during the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, which took place in Beijing in October 2023. Their journey to Guangxi was their second rendezvous. They explored picturesque Miao villages, toured cutting-edge automotive manufacturing facilities, and wandered through the rain-freshened streets of Guilin, creating lasting memories of China.




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